Minimum Wage

Noida Election Holiday – Public Holiday for all the Establishments

Dear Employer, Below link the Press Note issued yesterday by the Noida Labour Department regarding the Elections to be held tomorrow in Gautam Budh Nagar (Noida) District. In this respect, it is mentioned that due to the said elections on 11.05.2023, it will be a Public Holiday for all the Establishments, Shops and Factories operating […]

Minimum Wage

Notification for Uttar Pradesh Municipal Election – SGC Services

This is for your information that the State Election commission of Uttar Pradesh has published the attached notification for urban local body polls in the State in two phases, i.e. on 04th May & 11th May 2023. For the polling day, a public holiday has been declared in the respective cities of Uttar Pradesh wherever […]

Minimum Wage

Haryana Latest Revised Minimum wages – SGC Services

The Minimum wages in Haryana have been revised with effect from 01st January 2023. The amended rates for all the categories are as below:- HARYANA SHOPS AND ESTABLISHMENT ACT MINIMUM WAGES W.E.F 01/01/2023 S.NO Categories of workers Post/Education Basic Pay (As per notification dated 21.10.2015) Minimum Wages w.e.f 01.07.2022 A+B (Rs.) Dearness Allowance from 01.01.2023 […]

Minimum Wage

Notification for amendment in Punjab Shops and Commercial Establishments – SGC Services

Dear Employer, The Government of Punjab has issued the attached Notification No. G.S.R. 31/P.A.15/1958/S.34/Amd.(6)/2023, amending the Punjab Shops and Commercial Establishments Rules, 1958. According to this, the Name Board of every establishment shall be in Gurmukhi script in Punjabi and wherever other languages are also used, the version in such other languages shall be below […]

Minimum Wage

Kerala (CPI Index) minimum wages – SGC Services

The Minimum wages in Kerala (CPI Index) has been revised with effect from February’2023. The amended rates for all the categories are as below:- KERALA Shops and Commercial Establishments Minimum Wages Rates for Cochin w.e.f 1st Dec ‘2016 S.NO CLASS OF EMPLOYMENT Monthly BASIC DA (w.e.f February’2023) TOTAL Special Grade 1 Manager 9330 3796 13126 […]

Minimum Wage

Latest Revised Minimum Wages of Delhi – SGC Services

The Minimum wages in Delhi have been revised with effect from 01st April 2023. The amended rates for all the categories are as below:- DELHI MINIMUM WAGES MINIMUM WAGES W.E.F 01/04/2023 CATEGORY OF WORKERS Rates as on 01/10/2022 DA (pm) w.e.f 01/04/2023 Rates from (Rupees) w.e.f 01/04/2023 (Rupees) (Rupees) Per month Per day Un-skilled 16792/- […]

Minimum Wage

Latest Revised Punjab’s minimum wages – SGC Services

The Minimum wages in Punjab have been revised with effect from 01st March 2023. The amended rates for all the categories are as below:- PUNJAB SHOPS AND COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS Minimum Wages Rates w.e.f 01/03/2023 S.NO Categories w.e.f 01/03/2023 Per Day Monthly 1 Unskilled 398.22 10353.77 2 Semi-skilled 428.22 11133.77 3 Skilled 462.72 12030.77 4 Highly […]

Minimum Wage

Latest Revised Minimum wages of Uttarakhand – SGC Services

The Minimum wages in Uttarakhand have been revised with effect from 01st April 2023. The amended rates for all the categories are as below:- UTTARKHAND Minimum Wages Rates for Shops and Establishment S.No Categories Monthly Minimum Wages (w.e.f 01.04.2019) DA (w.e.f 01.04.2023) Total Wages 1 Unskilled 8331 1560 9891 2 Semi Skilled 8924 1560 10484 […]

Minimum Wage

Telangana Latest Revised Minimum wages – SGC Services

The Minimum wages in Telangana have been revised with effect from 01st April 2023. The amended rates for all the categories are as below:- TELANGANA – SHOPS AND COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS Minimum Wages and VDA payable from 01-04-2023 to 30-09-2023 Sl.No. Name of the Category Basic Wage VDA Total Wage COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS Zone-I Zone-I Zone-I 1 […]

Minimum Wage

Latest Revised Minimum wages Bihar State – SGC Services

The Minimum wages in Bihar have been revised with effect from 01st April’2023. The amended rates for all the categories are as below:- BIHAR SHOPS AND COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS Rates w.e.f 01/04/2023 S.NO Category of workers From Dated 01.09.2022 + 01.10.2022 Minimum Wages Fixed (In Rs.) Amount of V.D.A which is effective from the date 01.04.2023 […]

Minimum Wage

Revised Latest Minimum Wages of Jharkhand – SGC Services

The Minimum wages in Jharkhand have been revised with effect from 01st April 2023. The amended rates for all the categories are as below:- JHARKHAND SHOPS AND COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS Jharkhand Minimum Wages Rates w.e.f 01/04/2023 S.NO Category Daily Minimum rates of wages Monthly Minimum rates of wages 1 Unskilled 346.01 8996.34 2 Semiskilled 362.50 9424.86 […]

Minimum Wage

Revised latest minimum wages of Odisha State – SGC Services

The Minimum wages in Odisha have been revised with effect from 01st April 2023. The amended rates for all the categories are as below:- ODISHA SHOPS AND COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS Minimum wages rates S.NO Category Minimum Wages with VDA w.e.f 01.10.2022 (per day) VDA per day w.e.f 01.04.2023 Minimum Wages with VDA w.e.f 01.04.2023 (per day) […]

Minimum Wage

Gujarat Latest Revised Minimum Wages – SGC Services

The Minimum wages in Gujarat have been revised with effect from 01s April 2023. The amended rates for all the categories are as below:- GUJARAT ANY SHOPS OR COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT MINIMUM WAGES RATES W.E.F 01.04.2023 Sr.NO Classes of Employees Rates payable per day (Rs.) Zone I Zone II 1 2 3 1 Skilled 474.00 462.00 […]

Minimum Wage

Latest Revised Andhra Pradesh minimum wages – SGC Services

The Minimum wages in Andhra Pradesh have been revised with effect from 01st April 2023. The amended rates for all the categories are as below:- ANDHRA PRADESH SHOPS AND COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS Notification issued vide G.O.Ms.No.116, LET&F (Lab.II) Dept., dt:07-12-2007 Published in Gazette No.705 , dated 19-12-2007 Wages Linked at 525 CPI Points,CPI points notified as […]

Minimum Wage

Uttar Pradesh Latest Revised Minimum wages – SGC Services

The Minimum wages in Uttar Pradesh have been revised with effect from 01st April 2023. The amended rates for all the categories are as below:- UTTAR PRADESH Minimum Wages Rates for Shops and Establishment Effective for the period From 01/04/2023 to 30/09/2023 S.NO Category Basic Dated 01.10.2022 to 31.03.2023 (Total Wages) (Rs.) VDA Dated 01.04.2023 […]

Minimum Wage

Madhya Pradesh minimum wages – SGC Services

The Minimum wages in Madhya Pradesh has been revised with effect from 01st April 2023. The amended rates for all the categories are as below:- MADHYA PRADESH SHOPS AND COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS w.e.f Dated 01/04/2023 to 30/09/2023 S.No Category Basic Wages VDA Total Wages Per Month Per Day Per Month Per Day Per Month Per Day […]

Minimum Wage

Maharashtra P. tax slab changed 1st Apr-2023 – SGC Services

This is to inform you that Maharashtra Professional tax rate has been changed w.e.f. 1st Apr-2023. Kindly update in your system /Software / Formulas accordingly. Notification also given for your reference. MAHARASHTRA (MUMBAI) [Monthly] Amount(Rs.) MAHARASHTRA (MUMBAI) [Monthly] Amount(Rs.) OLD SLAB RATE NEW SLAB RATE For Male employees For Male employees Total Income = Upto […]

Minimum Wage

Karnataka P. tax slab changed wef Apr-2023 – SGC Services

Dear Employers, This is to inform you that Karnataka Professional tax rate has been changed w.e.f. 1st Apr-2023. Kindly update in your system / Formulas accordingly. Notification also attached for your reference. RATES OF PROFESSIONAL TAX – 2022-2023 RATES OF PROFESSIONAL TAX – 2023-2024 OLD SLAB RATE SLAB RATE TILL 31ST MAR-2023 NEW SLAB RATE […]

Minimum Wage

Karnataka minimum wages – SGC Services

This is to inform you that the Minimum wages in Karnataka has been revised with effect from 01st April 2023. The amended rates for all the categories are as below:- KARNATAKA SHOPS AND COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS Cost of Living Allowance to be paid over and above 6537 points Cost of Living Index:8901-6537=2364 points Minimum wages and […]